ESTEEM resources
Safety Training
The ESTEEM Safety Training Package has been developed from the knowledge gathered as part of the ESTEEM Safety Training Knowledge Base.
The Safety Training Package incorporates:
Face-to-face training (Learning Walls), using a variety of participative and interactive methods including: case study analysis of videos, pictures, and news articles; small group and plenary discussions; individual and small group exercises; practical tasks and demonstrations; and role play scenarios.
E-learning, to support the face-to-face training, using a variety of online games, activities and apps, including pin the pain, safety sequence, drag and drop, hazard hunt, and find the correct one.
This combined approach enables social interaction between trainees, to promote learning from others, whilst also allowing workers to delve into specific elements of training to enhance their own learning.
The Safety Training Package also trains workers in both technical skills and non-technical skills, as both are necessary for improving safety on the construction site.
More about the Safety Training Package
This document provides step-by-step instructions for how to deliver the training.