Catalogue of safety training programmes, courses, activities and tools, including assessment and certification, for both trainers and trainees
A total of 291 relevant sources (web pages) were identified during the review.
They were predominantly from the UK, Spain, the EU (general), the USA and Canada, with information available in English and/or Spanish.
The sources were categorised according to the following topic areas:
General courses and certifications relating to safety training in the construction industry (72 sources identified).
Working conditions, such as adverse weather (mainly heat), electrical hazards, chemical hazards, noise, heights and falls (48 sources identified in total).
Safe use of machinery, including cranes, platforms and mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs), power industrial trucks and other machinery, such as excavators and dumpers (46 sources in total).
Safe and proper use of auxiliary equipment, such as scaffolding, and protective personnel equipment (PPE) (29 sources).
Preventing harm and injuries, such as those caused by dangerous postures and ergonomic hazards, and preventing illnesses, such as musculoskeletal disorders (46 sources identified).
Soft skills which contribute to improved safety outcomes and reduced illness and injuries, such as awareness, communication, and leadership (50 sources in total).
The information within each of the topic areas was also categorised as relating to assessment and certification (91 sources), general programmes (10 sources), training programmes (4 sources), training courses (112 sources identified), training resources (58 sources), training the trainer (12 sources) and others (4 sources).